7:30 pm
Coquetdale Music Centre
The Old Church

Thropton, Northumberland NE65 7ND United Kingdom
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Lena Jonsson’s ability to balance a deep knowledge of traditional Swedish folk music with innovative artistic sensibilities, sparkling joy of life and a charisma of a rock-star have made her one of Sweden’s most visionary musicians. She has created a unique style inspired by traditional Swedish music as well as rock, jazz and american old-time and bluegrass traditions. Together with guitarist Erik Ronström and bassist Krydda Sundström they create a virtuosic yet playful trio. Their latest album ”Stories from the Outside” won both a Swedish Grammis and the Manifest prize in 2021 and Album of the year by LIRA Music Magazine.

Bring your own refreshments
£12 from Tully’s, Rothbury or email lesleyhallcoquetdalemusictrust@gmail.com


3rd May 2023
7:30 pm
Event Category:
Coquetdale Music Trust